Monday, December 04, 2006

Through Prayer

Waiting vs. Anxiety.

Spiritually, this is the battle-royal of my heart. Mine is the battle of waiting upon the Lord for insight, vision, and direction toward employing giftedness, personality, and circumstances that effectually reveal the will of God according to His word….or of retreating into anxious spiritual manipulation that accomplishes only my narrow view of success.

Yep, that’s me.

I am compelled to tell of my faith that has increased over the last several weeks as I have placed myself in the crossroads of spirituality. Placing my anxious heart, through prayer, before a sovereign God and waiting for Him to give grace to those in need….and I am desperately in need. Desiring above all that He would do beyond all that I could ask or think. My desire was/is not to get more than what I could ask, but that I would receive Spirit empowered insight that is infinitely different than the sum total of my finite thinking. This last month…there have been authentic moments in faith that has revealed God’s supernaturally orchestrated events and insights that have displayed His good grace to me. The best part is that His grace touches both small quiet moments and grand loud events.

The battle rages on, but my hope has been increased and my vision for divine things expanded.