Saturday, April 19, 2008

OneTwoThree...Go Orioles!

In true Keller style, Sam's first T-Ball game was comic.

First, our "Team Mom" told us to buy black uniform pants (she left out the fact those were the "optional purchase" for practice only and the "Game Day" pant color was white). Therefore, Sam is the only kid in a field of 90 4-5 year olds T- Ball players wearing black pants.

Second, on his first T-Ball at bat he picks a pink bat. PINK. I tried to suggest other bats of a more masculine color, but he wanted to swing his way into little league with the bat of his choosing.

So, there I was ready to watch my son inaugurate his inevitable professional baseball career.....and to my joy....I witnessed a true Keller commissioning. Black Pants swinging a Pink Bat.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Look At My Skills

I introduced Sam this week to the world of Star Wars. I gave him a toy lightsaber (that I got a a garage sale for a buck) and showed him the saber scenes in my geeky SW DVD collection. The first video is Sam's "skills" and the second video is later that week when his "skills" were put to the test. Enjoy.